never ending art story* by fariba mosleh

First of all - I know I am switching between languages; that refers to the estimated readers ... or my feelings at this moment ;)

It was never intended to develop a blog spreading the experiences of my stay in New York City and therefore this has no regularity.
However, the days are passing by and I have the opportunity to get in touch with so many super crazy wonderful things, institutions, spaces, people, initiatives that I would like to share this with people interested in to art and culture*
Friends ask me if I have time to explore NYC besides working here at ISPC; the great thing is that exploring the art world is part of my work and my leisure time. Haven´t been to Manhatten for several days as the there is so much great stuff to discover in Brooklyn and Queens.

On Thursday we made a little gallery tour and just within a 15 minute walking distance from our working space at ISCP we visited 5 different galleries in our Bushwick neighborhood. Each space highly professional with exciting program and artists represented. From Transfer Gallery showing the „Digital Museum of digital Art“, to the high end Bushwick space of Luhring Augustine Gallery showing Rachel Whiteread, heading to the special cool Interstate Gallery showing younger artist´s site specific works. Last station are two quite different galleries in the same building around the corner; the Nurture Gallery introducing us into there great non-for-profit work and sophisticated educating program with local schools. Finally we saw Arnold Mesches – 75 Years of Works on Paper at Life on Mars.
Although it was raining and everyone of us was soaking wet already at the second station of this tour, it is so exciting what´s going on here that I can´t get cold. I admire those people beeing so brave to open up spaces with individual, unique and specific profiles, working sophisticated with heart and belief into the art. Just inspiring* 

To get a deeper insight in how are all these spaces evolving I went on a small Williamsburg artist studio and project tour visiting four female artists in their studios and shows in this Brooklyn hotspot. Starting at El Museo de los Sures with Natasha John-Messenger, visiting the Canadian artist Louise Belcourt in her wonderful live and work studio, then getting a tour through her first solo exhibition at Journal Gallery by the French artist Agathe Snow before we got introduced into the work of Daphne Fitzpatrick. There is so much to say about those people and there works that I prefer to let the pictures talk for the first insight ...

And as this would not be enough on Sunday I discovered an immense art and culture venue in a former door producing factory in my neighborhood (!!!) which completely blew my mind. The Knockdown Center knocked me up. Incredibly cool, open-minded and motivated people are developing here something that is even for NYC extradinary, not only in it´s space dimensions but also in it´s open-minded and cool approach ...

By the way, today we were heading out of town up north for a field trip to Dia: Beacon, a massive museum showing large scale classics ranging from Sol Lewitt, Walter de Maria, Josef Buys to Agnes Martin and my favourite Louise Bourgeois

It´s a never ending story ...


Streaming Vienna Chinatown INvisible by fariba mosleh

Für alle, die es gestern nicht sehen konnten - hier online für eine Woche:

Ich schau mir den Beitrag jetzt auch endlich an ... eins kann ich schon verraten nachdem ich heute die erste von 4 Chinatowns in New York ausgekundschaftet habe - There is no Chinatown in town ... ;) bis bald***

For everyone who couldn´t make it today - here online for a week:

Now I am also finally going to watch the documentary on my book - after checking out the first of 4 Chinatowns in New York I might already reveal one thing - There is no Chinatown in town ... See you***

Check this out by fariba mosleh

I am really happy to work with a great team at an incredibly exciting art institution in Brooklyn, New York. For everyone who wants to get to know more about whats going on here at ISCP check out the FALL OPEN STUDIOS this weekend.
35 international artists and curators open their studios in give insight in their current work. Some impressions from the internal preview yesterday ... See you there*

ON SET by fariba mosleh

Vienna Chinatown INvisible. Eine Reise durch das chinesische Wien wurde quasi verfilmt.
Der Dreh für die ORF Produktion Heimat Fremde Heimat über mein Buch und AustroChinesInnen in Wien ist abgeschlossen. Bin gespannt wie´s gesendet wird***
Sonntag, 15. November 2015, 13:30 /ORF 2 (und eine Woche online).
Danke an das super Team und alle ProtagonistInnen für´s Mitmachen!

Vienna Chinatown INvisible. A journey through Chinese Vienna has been filmed. The shooting for the ORF production Heimat Fremde Heimat about my book and Austro-Chinese in Vienna has been completed. I am excited how it will be broadcasted***
Sunday, Nov. 15th 2015, 1:30 pm / ORF 2 (and online for a week).  
Thanx to the great team and all the protagonists for being part of it!

New York New Work by fariba mosleh

1st day and völlig overwhelmed!

Ich bin hierher gekommen, um neue Kunst- und Kulturluft zu schnuppern; um an einer spannenden Institution zu lernen, was aufzuschnappen, mich zu vernetzen. Ich hatte heute meinen ersten Tag und meine Erwartungen werden völlig übertroffen. Nicht etwa, dass ich jetzt schon großartige Aufgaben zu erfüllen hätte; nein, das wär gar nicht möglich - ich muss mich an dieses hochprofessionelle, extrem gut organisierte und superliebe Team erstmal herantasten! Sogar das Telefon zu beantworten ist noch ne gröbere Hürde (thanx to my English), aber was ich in diesem Industrie - Backsteinbau in East Williamsburg heute schon mitbekommen habe, ist großartig! Und der Vorausblick in die nächsten Monate verspricht Mitarbeit in einer Kunstinstitution wie ich sie bisher nicht kannte! Just amazing and inspiring*

Es ist hier alles ein Kontrast-Program. Vom amerikanischen Vorort anmutenden Stadtteil Queens aus einer Wohngegend, wie fran sie aus diversen Fernsehserien kennt, spaziere ich 35 Minuten durch eine Industrie und chinesisch dominierte Fabrikgegend, die von den schrägsten Trucks befahren wird, nach Brooklyn, um dort in einer ehemaligen Fabrik für ein internationales Artist Residency Programm mit 35 Studios und zwei Ausstellungsräumen zu arbeiten.
Ich tauche jetzt vorerst unter und schnappe auf, was geht ... let´s let this spirit influence studioOne´s further work.

After WU* by fariba mosleh

We´d like to thank you for coming, looking, talking and being part of W(H)O IS WU? in Vienna. The Taiwanese artists left (it was so good to have you here!) and the exhibition is over. Who did not have the chance to join us and know more about this project can order the catalog via

Photo Credits: Hans Nussbaumer and Fariba Mosleh

Wir möchten uns für das Kommen, Schauen, Sprechen und Teilsein von W(H)O IS WU? in Wien bedanken. Die taiwanischen KünstlerInnen sind abgereist (es war wunderbar euch hier gehabt zu haben!) und die Ausstellung ist vorüber. Wer nicht die Chance hatte, dabei zu sein und mehr über dieses Projekt wissen möchte, kann den Katalog via bestellen. 

WU is NOW and everwhere* by fariba mosleh

All Taiwanese artists and the gallery owner arrived in Vienna, the exhibition runs, new works are in progress, we are ARTseeing through museums, galleries, off-spaces, bookstores ... and especially looking forward to the catalog presentation this friday***

Ready for WU* by fariba mosleh

The Taiwanese artists Chen Dai-Roo, Chou Ming-Yi and Chang Chih-Chung arrived in Vienna, gallery owner Paul Peng arrives this weekend, we installed the exhibition today and it starts from tomorrow 5pm at Friday Exit. Looking forward to seeing you ... no later than the catalog presentation Friday, 16th of October ;)

Die taiwanischen Künstler* Chen Dai-Roo, Chou Ming-Yi und Chang Chih-Chung sind in Wien angekommen, der Galerist Paul Peng kommt dieses Wochenende, wir haben die Ausstellung heute aufgebaut und sie startet morgen um 17 Uhr im Friday Exit. Wir freuen uns auf euren Ausstellungsbesuch ... spätestens bei der Katalogpräsentation am Freitag, 16. Oktober.

hot of the press* by fariba mosleh

Overwhelmed and happy at the same time - my 2nd book is published now!
Who wants to know more about W(H)O IS WU?, our project in Taiwan, get to know the artists and contribute to the discourse on artistic collaborations shall come to the exhibition and catalog presentation at Friday Exit. 

Überwältigt und happy zugleich -  mein 2. Buch ist veröffentlicht!
Wer mehr über W(H)O IS WU?, unser Projekt in Taiwan wissen möchte, die KünstlerInnen kennenlernen und zum Diskurs über künstlerische Kollaborationen beitragen will möge zur Ausstellung und Katalogpräsentation im Friday Exit kommen.