What goes up must come down* / by fariba mosleh

Conceptualizing a collaborative art project and traveling around half of the world for working together with local artists in 2015 sometimes seems to be a ridiculous idea. We got great support from Austria and the Taiwanese people are cordially welcoming us; we are invited at a great working space as well as doing an exhibition in a wonderful gallery - after hours of conversations on the contemporary art scene and artist´s works with artists and curators. We put so much energy into W(H)O IS WU? and then all of a sudden it seems as we are the only eurocentric WU (literally meaning „nothing“) - when the artists who conceptually fit into the project all at once change their minds and stop communicating with us ...
This means we were moving to our great temporary atelier at Wolong29 this monday without participating artists and material to work on. Yes, there are some contacts open, but nothing fixed.

Still, we won´t give up and are (re-)considering our concept and having exchange with other Europeans and and Austrians who have been working in Taiwan - most reactions: „Welcome to Taiwan!“ 

What´s the missing link? We want to learn more about it ... As one of the major points within our concept states „on-site adapting the project“ - we are working on Plan B.
So Florian has started to work on his own reflections on W(H)O IS WU? while people interested in our projects are visiting our atelier.