On the run* / by fariba mosleh

We´ve already been starting the 2nd week at our Wolong29 Studio. The main materials of photographs and the related storys have been discussed and exchanged - now they are ready to be over-worked.

In the following blog-entries I am going to introduce you into our concept of W(H)O IS WU? Why are we focussing on the over-painted photography in order to collaborate with other artists and I would like to present the participating Taiwanese artists to you.

By the way, the Austrian artists Mahdie Bayat and the composer Johannes Kretz are currently residing in Taipei. They have already been to Taiwan several times for working on collaborative music projects. For W(H)O IS WU? they deal with the theme of pollution vs. green city / nature vs. urbanity and vice versa; they produced a short video with the title act pure for our exhibition in May.

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