It´s all over now baby WU? / by fariba mosleh

On Saturday the artists of the project W(H)O IS WU? gathered together for a more than interesting and intense talk. Questions on the exhibition and the project itself as well as on the discourse of art and photography in Taiwan and Europe were discussed. The artists talked about the expectations and experiences they made through the process of the project, about their ideas and wishes for the exhibition in Vienna. It brought up general questions of emerging artist´s practice in Taiwan and Austria. The question of language skills for an international exchange like this is always part of it.

The project - thanx to the cooperating partners in Taiwan as the studio of Wolong29, Waley Art Space and the artists - exceeds all our expectations!
The exhibition at Taipei finished yesterday, we packed the works for going to Austria***

So part one of W(H)O IS WU? is over, BUT part two is under construction - we are looking forward to the exhibition in Austria, which the Taiwanese artists hopefully will join and the further development of the project and artworks.

See you soon* and thanx for being part of W(H)O IS WU? 

Further information on the project progress in Vienna you find under NEWS.