It´s quite a challenge, but we have good news:
Yesterday our local expert and Taipei-based curator 葉家銘 Yeh Chia-Ming introduced us to Paul Peng, head of 水谷藝術 Waley Art Space, a Gallery in Wanhua district of Taipei. We got a very interesting introduction in the work of the young space and its engagement with local emerging artists as well as the establishment of a residency program and their cultural work with the local community. A sophisticated space with vision and future for sure.
They invited us to become their first European residents and we will open the final W(H)O IS WU? exhibition in Taipei at 水谷藝術 Waley Art on 3rd of May 2015, what makes us very happy!
During the duration of the exhibition we will be artist family in residence at Waley Art till we leave for Austria*
So let´s start working at the Wolong29 Atelier :)
Me with Olivia, gallery assistant and Paul, director.