What goes around comes around* / by fariba mosleh

Well, haven´t I just written about the roller coaster of feelings concerning this project? It goes on - one day it seems that the project can´t be a collaborative one, the other day your gallery owner knocks on your studio´s door and presents to you four well informed Taipei based young emerging artists who are highly interested into working on W(H)O IS WU?

For hours they were presenting us their works and we´ve been discussing in Chinese, English and even German what a collaborative work, especially through the medium of overworked photography could look like - mutually referring to questions of W(H)O IS WU? 

So I would like to put it as Lao Tze once did - what goes around comes around!
Let´s concentrate on artistic practice. Looking forward to getting to know the works of the artists better and introducing them to you. Thanx to Olivia and Paul from Waley Art Space for making the bridge!