Who is in WU? Part 3 / by fariba mosleh

We are very happy too about the participation of CHANG, Chih-Chung in our project. C.C. Chang is a Kaohsiung born and Taipei based visual artist who basically works with mixed-media but currently focuses on the drawing. For him the line combines drawing and writing, concept and form.
For W(H)O IS WU? he has chosen to over-work photos taken in the Chinese influenced urban sceneries of Vienna adding his linear drawings, symbols and languages indicating his Taiwanese reflections on both (un)familiar scenarios of a cultural fusion as well as conflict. 
As he hasn´t been to Austria yet he does this more instinctively and as expression of his usual artistic practice as C.C. Chang draws and writes „to learn, understand and memorize the world“ as he states.
Click here for Videos by C.C. Chang.

Besides, on our trip through southern Taiwan yesterday we´ve been invited at a High School in Tainan to present our Project W(H)O IS WU? and the aim of our stay. It was a pleasure!
Thanx to the Coolidge Family for the great experiences in Tainan.