Chesterfield - sofas, sometimes endlessly long, always leather … the Austro-Frensh dancer and choreographer Alix Eynaudi with history at Rosas and P.A.R.T.S. showed her latest piece Chesterfield at Kaai Studios. Based on the research at Vienna’s Volkskunde Museum she developed an object based dance performance for brut Wien last year, now touring. Lucky me that I could see the production my Alix whom I know from Vienna. She performed with the 3 other dancers Mark Lorimer, Quim Pujol and Cécile Tonizzo. It is a strong, partly silent and poetic as well as intimate performance. Absolute highlight for me was Alix’s appearance performing with a leather duck with luminous eyes.
Take your chance to see it at BUDA in Kortrijk in February for instance.
(C) Christine Miess
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