After another two exhibition openings in more and less contemporary art I am looking forward to check out activities from another field.
Well, Richard Long’s exhibition at Foundation CAB, by the way Long’s first presentation in Belgium after about 40 years, might attract many people and has an prestigious outreach, but I experienced the opening as quite boring, decorative and a meeting point for the chicaria. The building of CAB in the heart of Ixelles is a fantastic - 1930s style Art Deco architecture - end opens up many opportunities for artists (they focussed on minimal art). Also the presentation of four of Long´s stone works in the main room is quite appealing from an aesthetic angle, but I didn’t like the combination of that with his poster works.
And there was the opening of Teresa Cos exhibition The Measure of disorder at ARGOS, Center for art and media, last Saturday. One again an institution in an great building with multiple possibilities not only to research in their archive but also present various kinds of projects. Even though the topic of the exhibition portraying certain aspects of Ludwig Boltzmann’s life and therefore is strongly linked to Austria, I couldn’t really connect to the professionally presented two channel video and sound installation. When I see results of artistic research presented like that I often ask myself where is the line between research, documentation and art? Why do they choose this way of presenting? It’s a very personal view, but I see neither the artwork nor the scientific representation of the topic.
Still from Teresa Co’s projection